We are always looking for volunteers to assist us with diaper drives, fundraisers, shopping, deliveries to families, and more. Be part of our "First Aid Squad" and help make a difference!

After 11 years, Lily's Hope Foundation is proud to say that we have remained an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. Lily's Hope relies on the community for support as the families we support are at the bedside of their fragile newborn.
The First "Aid" Squad of the Lily's Hope Foundation represents the group of individuals carrying out the work of the foundation. The foundation members are the ones who raise funds, organize events, volunteer, deliver items to families, and more. These individuals are vital to the success of our foundation and we are forever grateful for their support and efforts!
Upcoming Events
- Multiple DatesSat, Mar 29Lily's Hope Foundation - Suite 111
Color a Picture to
Decorate a
NICU Baby Crib
Love to color? Download our Tokens of Hope, color them, and mail them into the Lily's Hope Office! We will share them with our NICU families so your coloring can be shared with a NICU family to decorate their baby's NICU Bed!

Crocheting and More!

Lily's Hope can always use handmade baby hats, blankets, and more! As long as the items can be washed and the yarn or fabric is soft, we can accept the donation. Donations can be mailed or dropped off at the Lily's Hope Office.
Supply Drive

Host a H.O.P.E.

Organize an event to support Lily's Hope! You could collect monetary donations, collect supplies or host a mini packing party!
Since January 2017, we have been meeting to volunteer to help NICU families! Join us the 3rd Monday of each month for our Monthly Packing Party events at the Lily's Hope Foundation Office in Allentown, PA. Stop by and help Lily's Hope pack parts of our Care Packages! Prior registration required
Share Hope
This event has two objectives: One is a supply drive with the help of social media to help us gather items for our families that are very difficult to find right now. At the same time we offer our Lily's Hope families to come to the office and pick up their care packages. Prior registration required.

As an all-volunteer, non-profit organization, Lily's Hope Foundation values its volunteers! Annually, we have a Recognition Event to thank our volunteers for their service, time, dedication and efforts that make the Foundation so successful!

Join this awesome organization with our mission to support families with premature babies in the NICU!